Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Things to Think About Before Deciding On A College

5 Things to Think About Before Deciding On A College College decisions: 5 things to think about Students will soon be finding out which colleges and universities they were accepted to and will have a really big decision in front of them. There are lots of things for students to think about, mull over, and brainstorm before making this big four-year decision. Applicants should think about practical things like finances and career options as well as more social things like their living situation and ability to network. Although each student will have some pretty specific needs, there are some universal things that every high school senior should consider before making their choice didnt get into your top colleges? Our private Irvine college admissions consultants are here to help. 1.   Financial aid and scholarship options One of the most important and practical things high school seniors should consider is what their financial situation will be like once they start college. Will they have access to scholarships or financial aid directly from the university? Do they qualify for federal financial aid? Sometimes students can get financial aid money if they stay in state but not if they move away while others might be recruited from an out-of-state university based on a particular ability or skill. The amount of debt a student incurs in college can make a big difference once they graduate, so its essential to think about it in advance. 2.   The living situation A college freshmans living circumstances can change drastically from one university to another. Some colleges guarantee that all incoming freshmen will have a spot in the dorm while others have very little on-campus housing. Some students want to live in the dorms so they can network and be close to their classes while others dont want to deal with the hectic nature of on-campus living. Students are encouraged to investigate off-campus student housing prices as well as additional on-campus accommodations (READ: 10 Reasons Why You Need Summer Irvine Tutoring). 3.   Diversified academic programs Although many students think they know exactly what they want to study when they enter college, at least half of the students will change their mind before their junior year. Its a good idea to think about attending a university with diversified academic programs or at least a variety of subfields within one major. Having choices can make it a lot easier for students during those formative first two years, and it’s simpler to transfer from one department to another rather than transfer from one college to another. 4.   Making connections Some universities are known for being social while others have a reputation for being relatively quiet and reserved. Too much socialization can be a distraction, but its also important for students to be able to network and make connections for the future. Applications are encouraged to do a little bit of research on how successful alumni are in connecting with one another and whether not making connections at a particular campus will benefit them in their career. Does the University offer opportunities to network outside a particular major? Can current students make connections with successful alumni? 5.   Future career options Probably the most important thing applicants should consider is their future career options. Does the university offer students degrees that will provide them with a good starting salary? Do most recent graduates receive an offer of full-time employment within their field? How many good jobs are available in the surrounding cities or state the university is located in? Are there any major companies that recruit from that particular university? These are just some of the questions students should research before making their final decision. Still applying to college? Our private Irvine college admissions consultants are here to help. Our consultants have a 97% success rate. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write

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